Wanting to test push notification but instead spent most of the time troubleshooting it?

Invalid device token, certificates, weird OpenSSL Error etc..

What if you could send push notification easily with one click?

And with helpful error message so that you know what to fix and can focus on testing push notification data

Test push notification easily using Pushever app

Pushever app
Mac App Store download

Not convinced yet? Try out the free trial version! (no time limit, unable to edit payload data)

(for macOS 10.12 and above)

"Simple and functional"
Does exactly what you expect, and does it well.
Makes it super easy to test your APNS setup with certificate or key.
- Svibrager (Australia Mac App Store)

At my work I deal with custom push notification a lot (with payload containing custom data and the app performs different action based on the data), there's several app out there providing push notification testing service but they either don't support auth key, is a electron app, doesn't support drag and drop p8 / p12 file (why do they all grab credential from keychain?!) or flat out doesn't work.

There's also some website that allows you to upload certificate / keys and send push notification, I don't feel safe uploading credential to other website, what if they store it and use it to spam my app later on?😅

Frustrated, I coded this app on a whim and here it is, hope this app can help you test push notification easier!

Privacy Policy

Pushever app doesn't collect any data from you. No amount of data is collected in any manner. Your push service credentials and payload are stored securely in macOS Keychain, Pushever app doesn't make any internet connection other than to Apple Push Notification Server.


Q: How do I generate .p12 / .pem certificates?

Answer: Follow the step for generating push certificate here

Q: What's the difference between the trial version and the full version?

Answer: The trial version can't edit the payload data and will use a preset payload data

Q: Is this a native app?

Answer: Yes, the app is written in Swift.

If you have encountered any bugs or want some feature to be implemented, feel free to create an issue at the Github repo here, thanks! 😆.

Have other questions? Contact me at axel@fluffy.es